I'm a librarian who loves anime, manga, and reading a wide variety of genres.
Neat, I actually managed to correctly guess this volume's twist in advance. I still have no idea why Johan dressed as Nina. Maybe because he thought she was more important than himself? Anyway, even if Nina was the one at the mansion, it was still Johan at 511 Kinderheim, right? So they both had horrific childhoods, but Johan was the only one who took all that and turned it into years of murders. I still feel kind of sorry for him, though. Had their circumstances been different, would he have turned out differently?
I'm happy to see more of Lunge and Grimmer. The massacre at Ruhenheim happens fast – this town must have been a powder keg from the start, for Johan's people to stir them up so quickly.
A warning (although, if you made it this far, you're probably going to be reading this volume anyway): this volume contains the killing of a dog, a cat, and several kids. I don't recall any of it being on-page, although several of the bodies are shown.
(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.)