I'm a librarian who loves anime, manga, and reading a wide variety of genres.
As far as e-ink devices go, I've only ever owned Nooks. However, I buy all my e-books from elsewhere: All Romance Ebooks, Kobo, a few publisher sites. The closest B&N store to me is about an hour and a half away. I go there every few months, but I've only ever bought books from them once - most of the money I spend there goes towards the in-store Starbucks and non-book stuff.
Here's what I'd like to see from B&N that is more important to me than self-published books sold in stores:
- Decent sales inside stores. When I do find interesting books in their stores, they're nearly always list price.
- Better book selections. The few times I've looked for specific books (Jeannie Lin, Courtney Milan, Patricia Briggs - authors I'm pretty sure aren't considered total unknowns), I haven't found them. Too much of the store is taken up by other things (which inexplicably seem to feature a better selection than their book areas - I've found so many nice 3D crystal puzzles).
- The ability to download Nook Books from their website to my computer. This ability used to exist, and I bought a few e-books from them back them. When they took that ability away, I complained to customer service and stopped buying e-books from them.
- The ability to see whether an e-book on their site has DRM or not. Granted, this would only be important to me if the "download from their website" feature still existed, but it was something I was asking their customer service about since I got my first Nook. It shouldn't be hard to include this little detail on product pages.