I'm a librarian who loves anime, manga, and reading a wide variety of genres.
I've had this for a while but only just started playing it. And yes, you can find some of Kate Beaton's artwork in it, but also artwork by a bunch of other people. It's a "choose your own adventure" version of Shakespeare's Hamlet, in which you can either play as Hamlet, Hamlet's father, or Ophelia. Nearly every ending presents you with a unique piece of artwork, and there are lots of endings.
At the moment, I've mostly just played as Ophelia, who is utterly awesome. She can solve Hamlet's problems logically and boringly, or she can go full-on murder queen. It took me three tries to manage it, but it's quite possible for her to go on a killing spree that results in the death of literally every character in Hamlet. Sometimes things get a little surreal too. In my longest playthrough, Ophelia and Hamlet teamed up to kill Claudius. After they gifted Claudius with a "choose your own adventure" book with a plot eerily similar to Claudius's own life, Ophelia briefly became Claudius, who became Ophelia just at things were starting to look bad for him, who decided to skip out on this whole "Hamlet's acting weird" thing and take a vacation. The game briefly (very briefly) became a dating sim, but then Ophelia sprang into action again to take on some terrorists and live happily ever after all on her own.
My main complaint at the moment is that although the game has "checkpoints" (decision points you can go back to and replay, so you can try other options), you can't create your own, so you end up having to replay certain chunks of the game a lot. The "skip" button helps, but it's still annoying.
This also available in actual book form (I'm not sure which came first), for those who'd prefer that.