I'm a librarian who loves anime, manga, and reading a wide variety of genres.
Tsubasa kidnaps Shizuka to take her to an outdoor party, hoping that making new friends (Tsubasa's friends from her real school) will help her get over her desire to get revenge on Arisa. It works, at least for a short while.
(show spoiler)Then there's a long flashback to Arisa and Tsubasa's childhood, and an incident where Tsubasa tried to get her sister to run away with her after their parents decided to divorce.
My reaction to this series is just one long frustrated scream. Ando consistently overdoes it with the characters' craziness. It makes it difficult to believe the moment when they supposedly snap out of it, like here, when
And the chat room convo just made me shake my head. In no way does it prove that Arisa was the King who got Shizuka bullied and injured. I can easily imagine a scenario where someone close to Arisa logged in under her name and had that convo with K. In fact, I strongly suspect that "K" is Rei Kudo and that "Arisa" is Midori. It's likely that Rei spoke to Midori thinking he was Arisa.
The flashback to Arisa and Tsubasa's childhood just proved that Tsubasa has never really taken the time to think things through. She somehow thought that 5000 yen (which currently works out to about 44 USD) would be more than enough for her and her sister to have fun for a day and then get themselves a hotel room for the night. Granted, she was a kid and probably had no idea how much things cost, but still. Even back then, Arisa was the one who took care of things when her sister's plans didn't pan out. That doesn't bode well for the rest of the series.
(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.)