I'm a librarian who loves anime, manga, and reading a wide variety of genres.
A sudden project at work (which I superstitiously think was due to our Periodicals Librarian foolishly saying the words "program review" several times in the space of a few minutes) meant that audiobook listening didn't really happen much today. However, I did manage to finish this book while pet sitting after work.
All in all, this was decent. The bulk of the book was "The Land of Sand." I couldn't help judging it against my memories of the anime adaptation of it, and I preferred the anime. That said, it wasn't bad - like bland but readable fanfic. The rest of the volume was a bonus story, "The Phantom Warehouse," which was also adapted into an anime episode. The humor didn't always work, and it was a bit ridiculous, but I enjoyed it all the same.
I'm going to use it for the Antique Hunting Rifle card - Inoue begins with one of the letters in the word "RIFLE." It'll be my guess for today. (I think I finished early enough to still squeak in a guess?)