I'm a librarian who loves anime, manga, and reading a wide variety of genres.
As of 14 pages ago, we finally have a murder victim. But first:
"She holed up in her office planning to work on the staff evaluations that were due to the town's human resources department by the end of the month. She had to evaluate the job performance of each staff member and then meet with them to discuss the evaluation and go over the goals they'd set last year, determine whether they'd met their goals and then assign new ones for the next year." (114)
Evaluations are inescapable, even in fiction. Luckily for the Briar Creek Library folks, no one is forcing them to evaluate themselves.
"She was confident that most of her staff would exceed expectations." (114)
This includes Ms. Cole, despite her ongoing behavioral problems. "Exceeds expectations" is meaningless. But I'm sure that, even in Briar Creek, anything less than "exceeds expectations" results in salary stagnation.
"Library school had not really prepared Lindsey for the supervisory portion of her job." (115)
Oof, yes. I feel this.