I'm a librarian who loves anime, manga, and reading a wide variety of genres.
Nice, I'm now a little over halfway through.
Book 2 feels more focused than Book 1, but I'm still having trouble following everything that's going on. Philip, a fellow necromancer and Zola's ex-boyfriend, wants to bring a demon into this world for...reasons. Damian's blood can help him accomplish that, but so can a special stone containing a piece of the demon. Damian and Zola have some of the things they need in order to stop Philip, but I can't remember what else they have to do. Right now everyone's in an all-out battle against Philip and it's going badly. You'd think they'd want to keep Damian safe and hidden, since Philip could skip using the stone and just decide to use Damian's blood instead (unless I missed something?), but no, Damian's out there fighting alongside everyone else.
I'm joining the ranks of those reviewers who are annoyed by how often Damian and his group laugh about things. At some point, someone must have told Asher that he needed to have lighter moments in his series, so his characters are constantly cracking jokes and laughing, even when those jokes aren't really all that funny. And I just noticed one of his writing tics: he often ends scenes and chapters with characters laughing, smiling, or grinning.