195 Following

Familiar Diversions

I'm a librarian who loves anime, manga, and reading a wide variety of genres.

Currently reading

How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom, Vol. 1
Dojyomaru, Fuyuyuki, Sean McCann
Progress: 103/374 pages
Darkly Dreaming Dexter
Jeff Lindsay
Progress: 424/470 minutes
Wait Till Helen Comes: A Ghost Story
Mary Downing Hahn
Progress: 184/184 pages
Parental Guidance
Avery Flynn
Progress: 40 %
An Offer From a Gentleman
Julia Quinn
Progress: 102/358 pages
The Twisted Ones
T. Kingfisher
Progress: 385/385 pages
Tara Westover
Progress: 315/730 minutes
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!, Vol. 2
Satoru Yamaguchi, Nami Hidaka
Progress: 24/171 pages
Graphic Medicine Manifesto
MK Czerwiec, Kimberly R. Myers, Scott T. Smith, Michael J. Green, Susan Merrill Squier, Ian Williams
Progress: 26/172 pages
Ao Oni: Mutation
Kenji Kuroda, Karin Suzuragi, Alexander Keller-Nelson
Progress: 30/152 pages

Reading progress update: I've read 59 out of 145 pages.

A Man and His Cat, Vol. 1 - Machiko Sakurai, Taylor Engel

I need to sit down and write a couple reviews, and instead I'm risking being drowned in my review backlog again by reading this. OMG, it's adorable.


A lonely widower (who happens to be a hottie - I'm pretty sure at least one of his younger coworkers has a bit of a crush on him) buys a homely cat at a pet store. The cat, who he names Fukumaru, is well aware that no one wants him and is worried he'll be abandoned again, but he slowly starts to become comfortable in his new home.


It's a slice-of-life series, so there isn't much going on, but I'm looking forward to getting to learn more about Mr. Kanda, the widower, and seeing him and his cat become friends. Man, I wish this volume weren't so skinny.